Thursday, March 26, 2020

Why Clean For Guests?

Something that drives me crazy about guests coming over is my wife insists that we have to clean the house. She claims we “can’t look like pieces of shit,” and I insist that oh yes, “we can look like pieces of shit.” Still, she won’t let us. But this baffles me in that I simply cannot imagine coming into another person’s home and giving a single shit about how it looks inside. Is this really something that people care about?

My wife insists that it is, but I refuse to believe her. I don’t believe these people exist, and if they do exist, they are not the sort of people I would want to impress anyway. Inevitably, my wife starts stressing out about having to get things clean for guests, and then I have to pitch in and help. I’ll admit, she does the VAST majority of cleaning, but every finger I lift cleaning is one that isn’t coming down on this keyboard to type out CONTENT for the masses.

So stop cleaning your house for others, and start cleaning it for yourself.

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