Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Ultimate NXT Draft: Picks 121-134

And so we have finally come to the end of the road. We packed 14 picks into this one, because there was no way that I could expect anyone to click a link to hear our analysis of Jack Starz. These are the bottom of the barrel talents for this draft, but they are all still good enough to be signed by WWE which makes them pretty damn good. Even I have to admit that both Jonah and I got some steals for this late in the draft. Now onto the final picks.

121. Joe selects Sid Scala
Joe: I have no idea if Sid Scala can wrestle, but he has a very punchable face and they let him say a lot of words on NXT UK. If he can wrestle, this could be a very good value pick.

Jonah: Man you are right, I want to punch this guy right in the mouth. He looks like he was in the movie Newsies, if he was, great pick Joe.

122. Jonah selects Wild Boar
Jonah: What did I say about awesome names ending up on my show? Wild Boar is going places based on that name. He looks intimidating, I was shocked to see he’s actually not very big. The real fact of the matter is that he’s named Wild Boar so he’s badass.

Joe: I laugh every time I see Wild Boar, so I was disappointed that fall deeper to me in the draft. He has no potential whatsoever, but he’s a Wild Boar, and people should just love him for what he is.

123. Jonah selects Primate
Jonah: The Hunt begins. Primate actually had to retire and became a manager, but much like Daniel Bryan before him he didn’t let a serious injury like a shattered jaw keep him down. Much like his tag team partner, Primate looks like a killer and as a badass name.

Joe: Primate is the Marty Jannetty of the Wild Boar/Primate combo who can both only hope to one day be as good in the ring as Drunken Marty Jannetty is today.

124. Joe selects Flash Morgan Webster
Joe: He’s like the most British looking dude ever, AND he has a motorcycle helmet. Sign me up.

Jonah: First off, great name. He’s also a good wrestler and has tons of experience but isn’t too old. I’m pretty sure I remember him from old EWR games and he had pretty high ratings so he must be good.

125. Joe selects Tyson T-Bone
Joe: Since Jonah was clearly targeting the coolest names available, I had to get Tyson T-Bone on my squad. He has tattoos, and every time I hear T-Bone, I inevitably think of George Costanza.

Jonah: This guy’s nickname is going to be Koko The Monkey, number double zero as in ooh ooh. He’s got a lot of tattoos, decent size and has made it to TV. He might be alright, but that Koko The Monkey gimmick is how he becomes a star.

126. Jonah selects Saxon Huxley
Jonah: This guy has a good look and good size. He’s been in teams with or against some of the biggest names in NXT UK so he’s got some potential. It looks like he’s still the current world champion of TGW so he’s a stud. The real reason I took him? His nickname is the muscle cat, strap a rocket to him.

Joe: If he’s the world champion, TGW must stand for Totally Garbage Wrestling.

127. Jonah selects Sam Gradwell
Jonah: He looks like Marcus Louie when he was bald, and I had high hopes for that angle that disappeared and was never mentioned again. He’s a muscly guy and he’s got years of wrestling experience. I’m just going to say he’s Marcus Louie back from an extended vacation looking to take revenge on Enzo and Cass for balding him.

Joe: More like Sam Badwell. I’m on a roll.

128. Joe selects Ligero
Joe: Ligero is a British dude in a mask, and according to Wikipedia, he’s won like 40 different titles. I didn’t count, but 40 seems like a decent estimate. Could this man become Villano VI? Anything is possible.

Jonah: His mask makes him look like El Torito, maybe if he’s lucky he can hang out with The Shining Stars. He’s been wrestling for 17 years so he’s experienced but also old. Plus this dude is English, stop trying to pretend you’re Mexican.

129. Joe selects Kay Lee Ray
Joe: The steal of the draft? Shortly after I waited patiently before snagging her, she became number one contender for the NXT UK Championship. This was incredibly shrewd by me, and not me messing up my draft board and forgetting about the guy that Jonah drafted next.

Jonah: A good pick and she was on my radar, but I have a pretty stacked women’s roster. She’s the number one contender to Toni Storm just like Bob Holly was once the number one contender to Brock Lesnar. We all know how this one’s ending.

130. Jonah selects Arturo Ruas
Jonah: Arturo Ruas AKA Adrian Jaoude is a pretty good wrestler who’s been on NXT a few times making good showings in losing efforts. He has decent size and is super Brazilian and comes out in a gi so I assume he’s a BJJ badass. If you’re going to trash talk this pick Joe, why were you so sad when I drafted him?

Joe: This is one that hurts, because I totally dropped the ball here. Somehow, when I was putting together my big board, his name got deleted (I’m guessing Jonah hacked my computer and deleted his name), and I did not get Arturo Ruas. He has a smoothness about him in the matches that make me think he could adapt really well with more experience. I would have taken him at least 50 picks earlier had I not screwed up.

131. Jonah selects Amir Jordan
Jonah: Probably true fact, Michael Jordan personally told Amir Jordan he should be called Air Jordan because he’s so awesome, but Amir added an M. He’s from Pakistan and the WWE loves them some Middle East money right now so look for the big push.

Joe: WWE ain’t dealing with Pakistan. If he was from Qatar, he’d already be on Raw. If he can change his birth certificate, he could have a future in this business.

132. Joe selects Kenny Williams
Joe: You know how everybody is talking about an Elite wrestling organization that is all the rage? Well, Kenny Williams is their current heavyweight champion. Of course, I am talking about the Pro Wrestling Elite, which I am sure all of you immediately thought of when I mentioned an Elite wrestling organization. And Jonah, you’ll be impressed by this, he’s ONLY 26 YEARS OLD.

Jonah: Finally you mention an age Joe, I was starting to sober up over here. Anyways, Kenny Williams was a below average shooting guard for the powerhouse basketball school UNC. Oh wait, you’re Kenny Williams is even more of a jobber, and he looks like a giant douche.

133. Joe selects Joseph Conners
Joe: Joseph Conners is better than Jack Starz. That is why I selected him here.

Jonah: Well this guy gets on TV, I mean he gets on TV to lose but he’s there. He’s also got a super punchable face, so hey maybe he’ll be a good heel.

134. Jonah selects Jack Starz
Jonah: Jack Starz is small and possibly an albino. I’ll say this, albino’s are really underrepresented in professional wrestling so look out world here comes Jack Starz.

Joe: There is a reason Jack Starz was picked last in this draft. It’s because WALTER hit him so hard that he died. Rest in Peace, Jack Starz.

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